INDUSTRIAL:// . PsyberOptics . The 233 Project

he 233 Project
was an amalgam of multimedia. Various Qabalistic strategies developed by The 233 Project, were tactically deployed by Ocularum Industrial. The 233 Project was founded by subject Marz²³³ for the study and preservation of ancient geometry and linguisitcs. The 233 Project spidered out to Marz²³³, MercuryWorks, and ElektroWorX. Ocularum provided diciplines in digital design to preserve and replicate the principles of The 233 Project. Hardware aquisitions expanded the potential media methods. Music was composed and produced by the Marz²³³ division, which exists today as a cabal of PsyOp musicians.
This also created MercuryWorks, a dedicated multimedia division of The 233 Project. MercuryWorks used the internet portal of The 233 Project as a study in steganography and obfustication. The website was deployed in the spirit of open compatibility, and content was organized in tiers of passive concealment. The Cultural ties established by MercuryWorks included the Kontrol Phreaks and the ElektoWorX studio . This allowed ElektroWorX to offer design services including Album Art, websites, stickers, shirts, posters, and video services such as authoring, and encoding of DVD and web streams. ElektroWorX also deployed live video capability, such as dvd and MIDI triggered video. The video craft of ElektroWorX now primarily serves live video and broadcast televsion. The MercuryWorks media services were renamed PsyberOptics and assumed by Ocularum Industrial. 2+3+3 = 8.

233 Stickers
The Mercury Glyph created for The 233 Project was based on the sigil for mercury philosophorum transposed against the Tree of Life. 233 is the numerical value of Tree of Life in hebrew. 8 is the sacred number of Mercury. when laid upon the Tree of life the sigil for mercury encompasses all spheres except the top 3 of the supernal triad. 2+3+3+=8.
233 Cards
The final cards were influenced by Hermetic Freemasonry and Greco-Ægyptian occultism. The Latin on the front refers to Order from Chaos and the Philosophers Stone. The back bears the thelemic inscription "Do as thou wilt shall be the whole of the law". The Deities depicted on the back were Anubis, the guardian the underworld and Set, the lord of choas and storm; as members of The 233 Project were often gaurdians against choas, as well as alchemists.
233 Poster (the first one)
The 233 Poster is lost in the iron archive. What remains is a scan of a photo of a print. The original design describes the operations of The 233 Project and Mercuryworks in heiroglyph. It also contains various occult references influenced by Rosicrusian studies. It was made in PhotoShop7 at 24"x36"x300dpi. Creating this image uncovered a glitch in the Windows98 OS that allowed PhotoShop to create a file in RAM too large to be written to the Fat32 system disk.
233 Poster (the second one)
This 233 Poster depicts Kehmetic deity Thoth, assciated with language and wisdom and morallity. He's shown against a Merkaba. The Merkaba is an essoteric construct representing two intersecting pyramids. The word 'Merkaba' is possibly dervived from ancient egyptian: Mer,pyramid; Ka, lower soul; Ba, higher soul. Hence it is the "pyramid of both parts of the soul".
full image
The Tree of Life is here created from strands of DNA as reference to how the helical geometry of the qabalistic Tree of Life resembles the helical stucture of DNA. The overall image took a year and a half to complete allowing time for the study of ancient Hebrew. This is the first of a series Tree of Life images; each of which will be completed in a different ancient language
These are the notes compiled for the completion of the Tree of Life poster.
full image
The ‘Pentagraph’ mural was created from a holy talisman, and composited with the greco-egyptian interpretation of reincarnation in heiroglyph. It is surrounded by the processes of alchemy arranged by their zodiacal correspondencies. shown is printed proof, and the proof-reading of the hieroglyph messages. Notes for this image are of the proofreading.
These are the notes compiled for the completion of Pentagraph.

The 233 Projection reel
This is segment translates the pentagraph image created by mercuryworks
This is segment is essentially a test render in 3D Studio Max. Blender is now used.
This is segment uses imagery from The Key of Solomon. Texts such as the Goetia long served as inspiration to The 233 Project.
This is segment presents an animated version of the Tree of Life poster created to promote The 233 Project.
Unicursal hexagram construct
This is animation conveys the 3D aspects of the unicursal hexagram as it extends in 6 distinct directions.

Occultatum est in Mercurio Lumen æqualiter ubique Universi


"Concealed within Mercury is a light which pervades all parts of the Universe equally."
     - - Master Therion, Liber LXXVIII, Arcana IX

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