INDUSTRIAL:// . DataWar . RuggedCom.hax

uggedComROSHack.txt -
this simple perl script would act as a password generator for RuggedCom devices. Early computer automated industrial control systems like bridges, traffic lights, and rail systems.

445kB 2012 ARK://HAX
if (! defined $ARGV[0]) {
print "+========================================== \n";
print "+ RuggedCom ROS Backdoor Password Generator \n";
print "+ JC CREW April 23 2012 \n";
print "+ Usage:\n$0 macaddress \n";
print "+========================================== \n";
exit; }
$a = $ARGV[0];
$a =~ s/[^A-F0-9]+//simg;
@b = reverse split /(\S{2})/,$a;
$c = join "", @b;
$c .= "0000";
$d = hex($c) % 999999929;
print "$d\n";


Technology Archives:
Apollo 11 Owners' Manual -
66.8MB 1969 ARK://NASA
a reccomended read before flying a vintage spacecraft bought at government auction

AT&T Hancock manual -
420kB 2002 ARK://AT&T
Hancock is a C based programming language for processing and auditing large data sets.

AT&T reply memorandum
130kB 2006 ARK://AT&T
in response to court's may 17, 2006 minute order over the collecting of metatdata from our nations internet communications. This document espouses the importance of maintaining secrecy of confidential government matters while failing to properly redact all references to such matters.

Blackberry guard
159kB 2020 ARK://QNX
- datasheet for Cylance security software. Companies running Guard were not affected by the SoloarWinds hack, a 2020 cyber security incident involving 18,000 corporate and government systems.

Cryptol Programming Guide -
1.09MB 2008 ARK://NSA
an NSA programming langauge used for advanced cryptography.

Microsoft Android patents -
267kB 2014 ARK://MSDX
a portfolio of android patents held by microsoft that were aggressively licensed. Microsoft sought to have companies license the confidetial portfolio without first seeing it, and requiring a NDA be signed to do so. Microsoft was believed to take in more revenue from android patents than patents of its own OS.

Microsoft Legal Compliance -
1.65MB 2008 ARK://MSDX
Microsoft Online Services Global Criminal Compliance Handbook conveys what pratical vigilance can be expected of a major corporate data firm.

UFED Physical pro -
6.98.MB 2009 ARK://NSA
technhnical document for cell phone pentration hardware made by Cellebrite Ltd.

RuggedComROSHack.txt -
445kB 2012 ARK://HAX
this simple perl script would act as a password generator for RuggedCom devices. Early computer automated industrial control systems like bridges, traffic lights, and rail systems.

Counter Intelligence Archives:

Occultatum est in Mercurio Lumen æqualiter ubique Universi


"Concealed within Mercury is a light which pervades all parts of the Universe equally."
     - - Master Therion, Liber LXXVIII, Arcana IX

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