ounter Intelligence
archives contain mostly methods of operational security and basic methods defying operational security. Harden your methods accordingly.

...data parsed

Style Manual for intelligence documents-
6.57MB 2011 ARK://CIA
this gives a vivid background into how to read and navigate cia and other intellgence documents

CIA Flaps and Seals manual -
8.59MB 1975 ARK://CIA
the cia guide to covert opening of intercepted mail. it provides interesting insight into sealing mail in tamper evident ways.

CIA Lock Picking Manual -
2.19MB 2002 ARK://CIA
the cia guide to lock picking offers an optimistic instruction on the process. the conclusion summerizes challenges to the process of picking locks

Kubark Interogation Manual -
4.83MB 1963 ARK://CIA
"the cia document on human manipulation" outlines methods of determining personality traits that may compromise an individual as a valid source of information. it describes how to procur information from individuals deemed sensible enough to be trusted. it also provides an intriging warning against using hypnosis or violence for this process.

Punkt Phone -
1.34MB 2019 ARK://COMTX
user manual for a strategically dumb phone. Punkt devices are popular in switzerland. they contain an very simple, low exploit surface operating system. the device has no internal 'smart' function. it allows internet access to other devices through modem functionality while isolating such access from the phones stored information. contains blackberry technology

FBI File: Anarchist Cookbook -
9.80MB 2011 ARK://FBI
the fbi opened a case file investgation into the distrobution of the anarchist cookbook, a document algeing to caontaion instructions on prudicing explosives from 'ordinary' household items. the investigation was triggered by public inquiry as to why such a document would be availible to the general public. the fbi concluded that those seeking out this pataicular text were not a politically or socially motivated mindset, and therefore unlikely to carry out the instrucitons it contained.

US Senate Intel hearing -
4.71KB 1977 ARK://USGOV
on the project mkultra, the kubark behavioral modifaction research program. chemical substances were stockpiled for coersion of unwilling interrogation subjects and to harass, discredited, or even kill hostile agents. mkultra was a an umbrella operation for studies of: hypnosis, electroshock, drugging, and sleep deprivation.

Occultatum est in Mercurio Lumen æqualiter ubique Universi


"Concealed within Mercury is a light which pervades all parts of the Universe equally."
     - - Master Therion, Liber LXXVIII, Arcana IX

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